Are we ready?
Ready? Ready for what?
To explore.
As summer draws near, we all are approaching towards an end of session. For me and many of my friends, this end is quite significant. For this is almost like the end of an era. We are finally finishing our respective college's and degrees. And, we stand on the brink of a new road.
Rather, we stand on the edge.
What lies ahead? Some of us know, some of us don't. I have some faint visions of the near future but it's not sure. Not too sure. But there is something coming, that I am very sure about. It might be a nightmare. It might be a wonderful dream. But it will be something different.
Different than what he have felt or seen in all these tenders years of our life.
We are setting out in the real world. From the comfortable shade of our parents and supportive shoulders of our friends we are entering into a difficult world. Mind you, it's my perception that the world out there is evil. There is so much darkness out there ready to consume you if you do not light yourself enough.
Like a candle you will have to fight.
Are we prepared for this world who doesn't know or care about us? A world that sets perceptions about a human mind only based on his materialistic extents. We have to go out there and show the world who we are.
But, will we be successful?
I have many friends or rather acquaintances who are in the age groups of 35 to 40+. I still find them struggling in their life fighting for their passion. Fighting to carve their niche in this world. I am not saying they are weak or they are bad. I am just trying to wonder if they had the same energy and fears when they were as old as I am? Of course they had. Everyone has that influx of energy at this age. But then, why not everyone makes it? Why the life gets dragged beyond without any meaning or purpose?
Because, as I suppose, world out there is not easy. It is evil. Ready to devour you if you do not watch your steps, prey. So lets conquer it, shall we friend?
Are you ready?
Let me know if you are ready, in the comments below! :)
"O yess, O yess, we musts find our way, we will take our precious, ach-ss", Gollum hissed out of a corner of
my writing desk.
"Omg what are you doing here Smeagol?", I asked in shock.
"Nice master. We leaps out of your mind and smells your blog. We wants fissh. Tasty fissh, sss", with that he crawled away on all fours, probably towards the fish on the right.

Gollum with his fish. One of my beloved characters from the LOTR series.
Ofc, the above joke has no correlation with the thoughtful sort of stuff I wrote in black in starting. Gollum just appeared out of nowhere while I was finishing the post!
If you like it, there is more coming :)
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The previous post was boring...Gollum wala accha tha :D rofl
hi... it ws complex... i hardly get nething:-)
wow.. that is relly creative! Leaving a nice message through gollum and making it so light as well. Nice job! Specially at using the fish as a prop in your blog.. :P
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