3 Idiots in Chinese
I sat glued to my computer screen as a familiar voice poked me from behind,
"Hey, hey...!"
I instinctively minimized the browser window and turned back to find a Chinese friend of mine, smiling as usual. But before I could reply to his "hey", he began,
"Hey, have you see that Indian movie...that...?"
I was like, uh? I wanted to ask him "which?", when he continued,
"That one, the one, with the song, 'gimme some sunshine', yeah, yeah that one, that one!"
He seemed to struggle remembering bits of it, but I got it as soon as he mentioned the song.
"You mean 3 Idiots?" I asked gingerly.
"Yes, yes! That one. So funny, so funny, it was awesome!"
"Oh really? Wow, that makes me proud but wait, was it in English subtitles?"
"No? It was in Chinese subtitles. Too funny, too funny Indian movie!"
I was like, what the heck. Chinese subtitles?
Then he drew the auxiliary that there are probably people out there who know both Indian and Chinese language and went away beaming and appreciating the movie. As the day passed, he often asked me about the actress, the actor and other stuff about the movie. I couldn't help but feel good, cuz it's very rare that good light is shone on my country in this foreign land.
Two days later, he met me at the gym and I had my headphones on, so he asked me,
"Are you listening to that sunshine song? Are you?"
I merely smiled and shook my head, I don't know what he made of it though.
But after a week, today, he did something that convinced me I should blog about this. He came to me, beaming, and said,
"You know what? I watched that movie again last night!"
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10:08 AM
3 Idiots,
funny day,
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- Tanya
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hahahaaa .... dint know the movie was soo popular.. :)
^^ ME neither!
haha. nice!
Same case here! I watched the movie after a bunch of my chinese friends kept bugging me to do so!!!!
^^Oh that's swell.
where can i find the chinese subs? i am having trouble finding them :/
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