General Notes
So when I have really nothing to say, and for the sake of weekly blogging and for the sake of those 2-3 people who actually care about this blog, I have some general notes for this week.
1. Summer's are going hot and nice. Especially that almost everyone is wearing very little or no clothes. Except me, of course.
2. I am finally understanding Sir Mark Twain's language after finishing 2/3 of the current book.
3. It's strange to know that an year has passed in US and still almost nothing has been accomplished. The world, as of now, still remains unconquered and out of our reach.
4. I'm falling in love every other week. But of course the one person I really love is being constantly loved and remembered by us.
5. Don't know what to put under number 5.
6. Fast Five is one of the biggest no-brainers I have watched in a while. Felt like committing suicide on every other scene. But it was very funny. No doubt about that. Brawny and pea brain men always amuse me :) (Should have put this in #5)
7. I realized I made more resolutions in summer than at new year. Still struggling to keep 'em up.
8. Writing is as bad as ever. Some other project is taking our time indefinitely. Probably will hook up with friends and write some shit later this week.
Oh wait, need to make friends first.
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- Tanya
- My little body is aweary of this great world. An Indian PhD student horsing around in Europe.
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