On Kicking Ass of Inbox Spammers
I suspect that my silly blog is somewhat getting famous and hence I'm getting promotional spam email. Here's how I dealt with it. The funniest part is that, this spammer chick, actually replied. Although I wouldn't be surprised if it was a smart bot's doing.
Hi Tanya,
I was reading your blog today and wonder if I could get your opinion on a diet/fitness app I am working on ?
For me, I think the main problem with being healthy is motivation. It's an abstract, overwhelming goal. I think the best way to counter this is to turn it into winnable games and small victories.
So… my app makes living healthy, and fitness into a RPG game, where users earn points, and "level up' as they accomplish their health goals. Everytime they add something healthy like veggies to their diet, they earn points. Everytime they complete a workout, they earn points. As they achieve more and more, they'll level up and unlock badges, and discounts/coupons to rewards like spas, health foods, etc.
There'll be challenges, which will get harder as people level up. And it'll follow a certain structure. First will come changing your environment such as getting rid of all junk food. Then, reducing stress, as stress leads to eating comfort food.
The whole point is to turn it into a game so people will rely less on willpower, and more on fun, achievement, and changing our environment.
What's your opinion on this idea? Would you want to know when I'm done with it? If this sounds too silly, or absurd, just ignore what I just said, hehe =)
Best, Christine
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- Tanya
- My little body is aweary of this great world. An Indian PhD student horsing around in Europe.
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OMG!!! this sounds really awesome..exciting stuff..thanks for promo :p
lol! I guess thats who you call a genuine sp*mmer!
What sounds awesome? :S I'm being stalked by silly spammeers :| Btw, what promo you're talking about? Your comment sounds so drunk.
Genuinely genuine.
this exact same letter is being posted & emailed, over at least several months. I have no idea what it is for.
I just received almost exactly the same email from this person 3 days ago, right after I got my blog up. lol
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