I don't feel like doing anything
I want to go back to India, lie in ma’s lap, curl up
inside the comforter and watch TV with half open dreamy eyes all day. I want to eat mithai dammit. It’s one of those times
when I just don’t wanna do anything. Anything means no bloody studying or
anything productive. Guh, I hate this. I want to scream out the F word so bad
that everyone who’s in the vicinity should reduce to dust and all those great
people who did great things should vanish from the history books and especially Wikipedia, and
then I wouldn’t have to work so hard to beat them. I do not want to read this
crappy paper (paper is a casual word for a scientific research article). I want
to go home and eat that huge cake lying in my fridge (my roommate had a birthday
recently). My stomach is squirming. I’m squirming. Somebody, just please hit
me. Hit me, hit me, hit me. Hit me so hard that I go unconscious and I go to
sleep for a while and when I wake up, lots of days and deadlines should have already
passed. And on top of all this workload and tension, I just came to know about
a famous blogger who recently sold her book to the nation’s topmost publishing
house. I saw her struggling since 3 years and now she finally got what she
deserved. I’m happy for her but not so much for myself. I feel like slitting my
own throat with a darn nail cutter. Look at me. I’vent got shit done, haven’t
even written something worth publishing. What I had written, is under review since 3 months, and has been rejected from everywhere else anyway. I haven’t read a single goddamn book in
the past 4 months. Why? Been too busy earning a Master of Science. Hell yeah,
Master of Shit. Look at yourself in the mirror. Just take a look. You’re
nothing. And you will be nothing. And nobody cares about you, you back in the
mirror, pile of junk. Nobody's gonna read your 150 page Masters' thesis. Never, ever. I wish I was that little 1 year old baby like the baby
girl of my friend doing a PhD. The baby girl gets all the attention from her
PhD parents all the frikking time. She doesn’t have any reports or papers to
submit. Hell, I wanna be a baby. I don’t know where this post is going, I don’t
know where I’m going, prolly you’re not reading this anymore. If you’re, well,
screw you. Why are you so happy and glum, reading shitty blogs on the internets
and not have any work to do? I so much hate you for your idleness. Jealousy,
yes, bitch. I wish I could read some shit around. I wish I could see some
America in the last two weeks before I leave it for forever. But no, I’ve to
kill myself first. And before that, in this week, I’ve got to submit two papers to Prof. X,
take two final exams from the hardest courses outside my department which were
not required but I took them just to add some stress in my life.
Current Music: "Hum Kis Gali Jaa Rahe Hain" by Shaan
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- Tanya
- My little body is aweary of this great world. An Indian PhD student horsing around in Europe.
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Lol.... That was one entertaining post... I'm not sadistic in any way.. but at the end where you say "if you're still reading this, well screw you".... that's like a slap in the face... lmaoo..I know what it's like with the whole Master's BS syndrome... but you get your reward after all that time you spend busting your butt all semester... so don't sweat you gonna do well... cheers!!
again all the best !
Drink a glass of cold water.
Break down and cry some.
More water.
Breathe again.
You hate me for reading this, and worse for commenting. But you have no idea how many of us go through that crisis. There's nothing much to do but breathe, let the panic pass over, and then think clearly and plan.
Your torture's about to get over. And then you're free. Plan.
Thanks VPZ and Rahul.
Thanks so much shreya, thanks for saying all those wonderful words there in that comment box..
Oye Hoye!!! yeh kya hoga gaya!!! Inna sara torture?? :P :P
Anyways, I wish you luck and cheerful moments ahead in future!!
- All the best!!!
-Mr Dream Teamo
LOL-ness. You made me feel happy with that post. Glad that I'm not doing a PhD :P
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